Dan McPharlin: Electronic Jungle
Aranda\Lasch: Grotto
gary.brake: Sea Shell
flight404: Michael instructs Gabe on the finer points of debating while wielding a sword.
David Cartier: Southern Northern Lights
Perpetually: Base Layer for Octopus Cob Oven
djspyhunter: Bolder & Brighter
flight404: Warning
_ElijahPorter: Yale School of Architecture: Mark Foster Gage's "Disheveled Geometries" (sponsored by Autodesk)
_ElijahPorter: pxe_01 by Elijah Porter
_ElijahPorter: hxf_03 by Elijah Porter
_ElijahPorter: hxf_04 by Elijah Porter
sushiesque: porter square snowdecahedron
Divaholic: Iconaster longimanus
jonathanstray: IMG_0610
djspyhunter: Ghosts of Mendocino
In Memoriam: saschapohflepp: Alex Posada / MID – The Particule
mikecreighton: Ceiling Projection
mikecreighton: Explosion
shawna-bo-bonna: Augustin Lesage
shawna-bo-bonna: Augustin Lesage in studio
erictbostrom: Multimedia message
erictbostrom: DSC_8332