Ely 968: Moulin Rouge
Giuseppe Di Giulio: Ernesto on the moon
Pat Durkin OC: A Controlled Crash Landing --- EXPLORED
Ian.Older: ZA552
BFS Man: Sculling in Pilant Lake
Owen Piscopo: A Drop In The Ocean.
-SebsTian-: Help me . . .
Robert Hájek: Highway..
Gazman_AU: in the garden [Explore-2019-01-19]
Yamil Saenz: Black-headed Trogon
Christine Quarte: Circles of Sugar, Day 18
noneinc: Hummingbird
abhishek.verma55: "Adopt the pace of nature: her secret is patience" - Ralph Waldo Emerson (Explored)
Patrick Monney: Saphir à queue d'or - Jardín de picaflores/Iguazú/Misiones/Argentina_20171108_e9292
dave.pix2013: Near Commondale
bobchappell55: IMGP5350a Short-eared Owl, Burwell Fen, December 2016
trisharooni: Lady Luck-26
bobchappell55: IMGP4247a Short-eared Owl, Burwell Fen, December 2016
Dave Beaudette: Neotropic Cormorant, Phalacrocorax brasilianus
Jelly Brain: 1 in 10
paulcoltman: PuffinUB2A0537_edited-1
marco.valentini: Southern Bald Ibis
Judi.Mahon: Red Squirrel-4461
Fpoitras: Chouette rayée / Barred Owl
ansharphoto: Follow the Sun