Xerxes2K: Showing Their Support
Xerxes2K: Stage in Front of the Brandenburg Gate
Xerxes2K: The "Walk of Fame"
Xerxes2K: Italy Shall Win
Xerxes2K: Drumming for France
Xerxes2K: Italian Fans
Xerxes2K: Italian Fan
Xerxes2K: Choir
Xerxes2K: Support for France
Xerxes2K: "schland...schland...Deut!"
Xerxes2K: Worldcup Car
Xerxes2K: A Picture to Remember
Xerxes2K: EVERONE supports the German team (1)
Xerxes2K: EVERONE supports the German team (2)
Xerxes2K: Goal!
Xerxes2K: Goal!
Xerxes2K: The "Fanmeile"
Xerxes2K: The Crowds Celebrate their Victory
Xerxes2K: German Fan
Xerxes2K: Worldchampions of the Hearts
Xerxes2K: TV Interview
Xerxes2K: German Fan
Xerxes2K: Supporting Their Team
Xerxes2K: Total Happiness
Xerxes2K: Victory!
Xerxes2K: Celebrating the Victory
Xerxes2K: Celebrating the Victory
Xerxes2K: Celebrating the Victory
Xerxes2K: Worldchampions of the Hearts
Xerxes2K: German Fan with Flag