Roger Lancaster Photos: Comin' Right At Ya!
Michael Besant: The Storm
lefturn99: McDonald Observatory
shane holsclaw: stillness in the woods
50tonJeffrey: Bridge 9
TheCityWanderer: bergen street
Michael Besant: Best Friends
shane holsclaw: gh o s t
shane holsclaw: points of view
zodia81: 16/365 Fuzzy
Michael Besant: New Beginning Into 2017
lefturn99: Ha Ha Tonka
zodia81: Not Enough Contrast
~ Liberty Images: The Rusty Lantern
zodia81: Sunset before the Lightning
auntkiwi78: Pine Tree Boquet
chearn73: Jason Rauen
Stu_Jo: Ghost Town
~Fred Wolfe~: IMG_5636
durand clark: Indiana Cornfield
~ Liberty Images: Keep Your Michelin Stars!
Roger Lancaster Photos: In Harpers Ferry WV
Michael Besant: Summer Haze
~Fred Wolfe~: fighting gravity
mANVIL: villaArtist1
shane holsclaw: autumn dreamscape
Gene1138: Sky of Fire