ingrelli: Leveraging all of my skills to resurrect a Breville 800esxl that I found discarded in an alley, I think it's a bad capacitor.
ingrelli: Space Dust IPA by Elysian Brewing - not bad. 8.2% ABV is nice prior to flying.
ingrelli: So much yum. Fresh cannoli and freshly roasted micro lot Guatemalan coffee.
ingrelli: Sunday morning coffee roasting at the new apartment
ingrelli: Hopefully 35 year old me likes it as much as 8 year old me did.
ingrelli: Roast #100 - Kenya Nyeri Kiamaini AB. I think it's safe to say I'm getting the hang of it. Still learning something new every roast.
ingrelli: No words. The other side was also incorrectly spelled, but in a different way. #NorthernWisconsin
ingrelli: Um, sugar free is not synonymous with healthy
ingrelli: Perfect afternoon for roasting coffee. Some Columbia Inza de Cauca Lot #11 a nice micro lot from @sweetmarias
ingrelli: Pork belly FTMFW. @numpang Chicago needs you. One of the things I miss most about #NYC
ingrelli: Roasting coffee on a Saturday afternoon.
ingrelli: I have no horse in the race, but this just seems wrong.
ingrelli: This is some next level coffee geekery. My first roast was some Guatemala Huehuetenango Finca Rosma from @sweetmarias
ingrelli: New art framed and installed above the bar. I like.
ingrelli: Stepping up my coffee game: new grinding droid unit now operational.
ingrelli: Operation Beaujolais Nouveau 2015 completed @ChiFrenchMarket. We are ready for Thanksgiving, the tradition continues.
ingrelli: Because coffee, and memories.
ingrelli: Just because I <3 coffee.
ingrelli: Instant creamy tonkotsu and #WordSeries baseball. The @Mets aren't doing so hot :( #LGM
ingrelli: At Wrigley for the first time with my brother @neyno. Thanks for the tickets @hopemarie.
ingrelli: End of an era. Office packed up for the big move to Chicago on Friday. So many feels.
ingrelli: I'm going to miss this city... #NYC
ingrelli: Ramen at Slurping Turtle FTMFW.
ingrelli: On my way to the game. #LetsGoMets @Mets @The7Line
ingrelli: Nice spring evening in the neighborhood #NYC
ingrelli: More #NYC views
ingrelli: Spring is coming...
ingrelli: Mmm Grandma Pizza from Sunnyside Pizza.
ingrelli: Excited for tomorrow morning's coffee. New gear for home: Hario Skerton Ceramic Burr Grinder and Brazen Plus by Behmor
ingrelli: My new coffee setup in my office makes me happy. Good riddance K-Cups.