unripegreenbanana: 2012 Annular Solar Eclipse - Lubbock, Texas
Jerry Webb: Deckchair and Sun, Bexhill
PKMousie: Shattersmoke Crayfish 7395
Peter J Bailey: Super Moon and Mow Cop
CarpeDiem...PJ (tra le più belle): giocando con le ombre
T-N-P-: Bethany's Senior Photos
rolhas: poço do bispo
Huang, Andrew: Sunset over the Charles River
Dirk Paessler: Planet "Venice II"
Celeste: concrete ballerina
Mario Groleau 8 millions de vues!: Château Frontenac (castle, castello)
Ian Bramham: "Imperial War Museum"
Dave the Haligonian: The fountain in City Hall Park - New York
Benjamin Edwards: New England Holocaust Memorial
Paula Aguado: 201/366 Nearly blind :-/
cszar: Ambivalence
Simon Christen - iseemooi: Grand Central Blur
Nionyn_: Takeoff!
metakephoto: Sparkling Zuzzie - PDX Strobist (Portland, Oregon)
welsh boy: Patagonia, Argentina
Mike G. K.: Cool VS warm
udijw: Portrait Lighting Cheat Sheet Card
f/43 - Fabio Raphael: Vagão inside @ Paranapiacaba