The Lao: #261of366 #lao2016fampics366 3 down, 12 more to go!
The Lao: #261of366 #lao2016fampics366 13 people came today. Almost all here!
The Lao: #260of366 #lao2016fampics366 260/366 Water battles! Too bad we can't stay in Yangshuo for longer...and too bad I forgot to buy the 印象刘三姐 tickets last night and we had to go to some super shady corner to watch. Too bad we didn't have more time to walk arou
The Lao: #259of366 #lao2016fampics366 259/366 My parents can be so silly together and I love it. I heard them talking to my parents in law today how it might be their last chance to visit Guilin and my heart just sank. They're really enjoying the trip and I'm so s
The Lao: #258of366 #lao2016fampics366 Super long road trip to Guilin. How long would you guess it takes for the 320km journey? Nearly 10 hours due to the intense traffic for the last leg of the trip. Everyone was KO'd by the time dinner was finished. Great food.
The Lao: #257of366 #lao2016fampics366 Family is finally here!
The Lao: #256of366 #lao2016fampics366 Wedding Planning Team!
The Lao: #255of366 #lao2016fampics366 Is this my fate? (Who can guess what I'm trying to portray in this picture?)
The Lao: #254of366 #lao2016fampics366 What do you think I'm doing in this picture?
The Lao: #253of366 #lao2016fampics366 What do you see? I see dinner.
The Lao: #252of366 #lao2016fampics366 ull force of wedding preparations! ...and I'm sure it's far from the last! Hahhaha. Spent the day packing, being a shopaholic, buying SIM cards, picking up a laminating machine, designing things, arranging things to be done on
The Lao: #251of366 #lao2016fampics366 No, that is not sweat; that is water dripping from the sky! Biking in the pouring rain is actually really fun!
The Lao: #250of366 #lao2016fampics366 One more week until I can see my family! Yay!
The Lao: #248of366 #lao2016fampics366 Congratulations on your wedding Daniel and LuLu! Hope you two the brightest future! Early give birth to respected guest (早生贵子)[偷笑]
The Lao: #247of366 #lao2016fampics366 哇塞,今天从早上8点半一直拍到下午6点钟,玩得真爽!哈哈哈。强烈推荐所有自拍狂,古代粉丝,时间比较的的人到"盘子女人坊"拍一下!今天的小米助手很热情地接待我们,安妮化妆师化得挺美,蓝摄影师拍照很耐心很幽默,大家总的来说都非常友好,到了6点钟还舍不得回家。我们的"婚纱照"是不是有点特别?[偷笑]。 PS. 需要中文讲得一般般的男生演员可以来找一下我。如果是熟人的话,免费。不是熟人的话,还是免费。没人找的话,还是得请HaHa女神帮我多拍一下小视频。
The Lao: #246of366 #lao2016fampics366 One of my favourite meals in China: BBQ duck (烧鸭), boiled chicken (白切鸡) and lots of veggies! Yum! [色]
The Lao: #244of366 #lao2016fampics366 Scott + jackhammer = cool.
The Lao: #243of366 #lao2016fampics366 mother-in-law is so awesome! She got both Haha and I our wedding gifts and is allowing us to wear them for a couple of which case she will take them back and regift them on the wedding day. [偷笑] This is the first r
The Lao: #242of366 #lao2016fampics366 For some of you: I'll see you in November. For the rest of you: I'm sure we'll meet again one day. For all: I'll miss you and hope you will never stop pursuing your dreams! 加油!
The Lao: #241of366 #lao2016fampics366 What is better: a quick power nap in the afternoon or just plow through the day and sleep early at night?
The Lao: #240of366 #lao2016fampics366 can you tell which one is not the mannequin? 能看得出哪个不是人体模型吗?[偷笑]
The Lao: #239of366 #lao2016fampics366 Yep! This is view from my office! Not too bad, eh?
The Lao: #238of366 #lao2016fampics366 Inspired by my buddy Jason K. and Vincent L., I also wanna get into the habit of practicing a healthy lifestyle. That means no soft drinks, lots of veggies and meat, very little carbs like rice and noodles, fruits, and plenty
The Lao: #238of366 #lao2016fampics366 Inspired by my buddy Jason K., I also wanna get into the habit of practicing a healthy lifestyle. That means no soft drinks, lots of veggies and meat, very little carbs like rice and noodles, fruits, and plenty of water. In th
The Lao: #237of366 #lao2016fampics366 考察
The Lao: #235of366 #lao2016fampics366 What do you think of this backdrop idea? 你们觉得这个背景 idea如何?
The Lao: #234of366 #lao2016fampics366 Whoever can correctly guess the significance of this screenshot will be henceforth my CF (cool friend). 谁能猜到这张图的意义,谁就算是我的好哥们儿。[得意][得意]
The Lao: #233of366 #lao2016fampics366 标准身材
The Lao: #232of366 #lao2016fampics366 I had this all to myself today. Does anybody know what the name of this dish is? 我今天真有口福,我自己都吃完这一锅。这种叫什么名字?
The Lao: #230of366 #lao2016fampics366 Hoomy to the rescue! First, as soon as he learned I was swindled at a shop, he came barging in to have a very heated conversation with the owner. This even led to the owner threatening to have guys beat up Hoomy. Next, Hoomy b