Back from a tangle with the flu, the forest ahead does not seem as impassable as it did before. A nice breath of fresh air...
And I finally made it to the top of that great mountain. They said this was the meeting place, but I saw no one around. My heart was beating in my ears...
And this heat grew. A white hot glow just up ahead. It was inevitable. There was no water...
The lizard king spat and wretched as it emerged from its winter slumber. Hibernation had ended early...
The intake vents were searing. The air crackled with anticipation, soon the transport would lift and we'd be off...
The reactors were just cooking. Time was running out. I had to find a way out of the boiler room...
The storm blew rapidly over the hillside. The great white stone led my trek up towards the summit...
I saw the great dome before me. Was there a way inside? The city air was becoming oppressive...
I asked about the ghost-light and they led me just behind the clearing. It was then that I saw the forest...
From the sky came a great light. I floated upward, the branches scratching my face as I ascended...