L.G.Hicks Memorial Collection: 00558.01 - 1960, Regimental Ball, Princess Alexandra
L.G.Hicks Memorial Collection: 00558.02 - 1960, Regimental Ball, Princess Alexandra
L.G.Hicks Memorial Collection: 00558.03 - 1960, Regimental Ball, Princess Alexandra
L.G.Hicks Memorial Collection: 00558.04 - 1960, Regimental Ball, Princess Alexandra
L.G.Hicks Memorial Collection: 00558.05 - 1960, Regimental Ball, Princess Alexandra
L.G.Hicks Memorial Collection: 00558.06 - 1960, Regimental Ball, Princess Alexandra
L.G.Hicks Memorial Collection: 00558.07 - 1960 1 May, QOR Centenial Luncheon for Field-Marshal Viscount Montgomery of Alamein, KG, GCB, DSO
L.G.Hicks Memorial Collection: 00558.08 - 1960, Visit to 3rd Bn QOR by Field-Marshal Viscount Montgomery of Alamein, KG, GCB, DSO during the 100th Anniversary, St Paul's Church, Toronto
L.G.Hicks Memorial Collection: 00558.09 - 1960, Visit to 3rd Bn QOR by Field-Marshal Viscount Montgomery of Alamein, KG, GCB, DSO during the 100th Anniversary,
L.G.Hicks Memorial Collection: 00558.10 - 1960, Visit to 3rd Bn QOR by Field-Marshal Viscount Montgomery of Alamein, KG, GCB, DSO during the 100th Anniversary
L.G.Hicks Memorial Collection: 00558.11 - 1960, QOR Centenary Dinner, L-R CGS, Col Strathy, Field-Marshal Montgomery, Maj gen JA Gunn, His Grace the Lord Bishop of Toronto, Rev FH Wilkinson
L.G.Hicks Memorial Collection: 00558.12 - 1966, 13 Nov, 3rd Bn Bugle Band in front of Moss Park Armoury
L.G.Hicks Memorial Collection: 00558.13 - 1959, 24 May, Officers of the 3rd Bn in front of the Registry Building, Toronto
L.G.Hicks Memorial Collection: 00558.14 - 1959, 24 May, Subalterns of the 3rd Bn in front of the Registry Building, Toronto
L.G.Hicks Memorial Collection: 00558.15 - 1960's, LCol Barney Danson
L.G.Hicks Memorial Collection: 00558.16 - 1950, 16 Feb, the Lieutenant Governor, The Honourable Ray Lawson, inspects the Guard provided by QOR at opening of Ontario Legislature
L.G.Hicks Memorial Collection: 00558.16 - 1960's, a lighter moment in the 3rd Bn Officer's Mess
L.G.Hicks Memorial Collection: 00558.17 - 1950's or 60's, the Memorial Tablet to the fallen of the First World War, University Armoury
L.G.Hicks Memorial Collection: 00558.18 - 1960, 26 April, Devine Service at Toronto City Hall Cenotaph, wreath laid by Grandaughter of LCol Durie (1st CO) during the Centenary Celebrations
L.G.Hicks Memorial Collection: 00558.19 - 1960s, Book of Remembrance at St Pauls Church, Toronto
L.G.Hicks Memorial Collection: Steve Rath, served from 1960-68
L.G.Hicks Memorial Collection: Walter Tedman, served from 1965-67
L.G.Hicks Memorial Collection: 2020.11.001 (digital)-1966, January, Corporal Harry McCabe and fiance Gail outside unfinished Moss Park Armoury
L.G.Hicks Memorial Collection: 2020.11.002(digital)-1966, January, Corporal Harry McCabe and fiance Gail inside unfinished QOR Officers' Mess at Moss Park Armoury
L.G.Hicks Memorial Collection: 2020.11.003(digital)-1966, January, Corporal Harry McCabe and fiance Gail looking at blueprints in unfinished Moss Park Armoury
L.G.Hicks Memorial Collection: 1969 QOR Summer Camp Petawawa (one of the platoons after completing a patrolling exercise) Photo thanks to Maj (ret) Harry McCabe
L.G.Hicks Memorial Collection: 04232 Helen Durie, daughter of 1st CO, City Hall Cenotaph, Toronto
L.G.Hicks Memorial Collection: 04235 Book of Remembrance, St Paul's Church, Toronto
L.G.Hicks Memorial Collection: 04014 Queen Mary Funeral, 28 Mar 1953
L.G.Hicks Memorial Collection: img20230312_17344090