L.G.Hicks Memorial Collection: 2016.18.01, 1860's, Photo, Four Riflemen
L.G.Hicks Memorial Collection: ASH07.02 - statue of Samuel de Champlain, second picture Bugle-Major Charles Swift in front of tent
L.G.Hicks Memorial Collection: ASH07.01 - Soldier in front of tent shaving, second picture R Frank Gardner in Full Dress with Cap, Field Service, Bugle and Bugler's Sword
L.G.Hicks Memorial Collection: ASH06.2 - Soldier in front of tent with shaving bowl, second picture statue of samuel de Champlain, Quebec City
L.G.Hicks Memorial Collection: ASH06.1 - QOR Drummer, Sgt Bugler, second picture QOR Bandsman in front of tent, 1910, Quebec City
L.G.Hicks Memorial Collection: ASH05 - QOR Buglers in the field, 1930's
L.G.Hicks Memorial Collection: ASH04 - QOR Bugler, 1910's-20's, in service dress outside tent, Niagara-On-The-Lake, ontario
L.G.Hicks Memorial Collection: ASH03 - QOR Bugler, 1910's, Niagara-On-The-Lake, Ontario
L.G.Hicks Memorial Collection: ASH02 - QOR Buglers, 1910's, Niagara-On-The-Lake, Ontario
L.G.Hicks Memorial Collection: ASH23 - QOR Bugle Band with new drums, 1931, Bugle-Major F Gardner, in front of Registry Building, Toronto
L.G.Hicks Memorial Collection: ASH22 - Bugle-Major Jim Kaiser, in front of the WWI Memorial, University Armoury, 1950's
L.G.Hicks Memorial Collection: ASH21 - George (Blackie) Cargill at camp, 1910's
L.G.Hicks Memorial Collection: ASH20 - Drummers of the QOR Bugle Band, 1910's
L.G.Hicks Memorial Collection: ASH19 - Buglers of the QOR, 1910's, Bugle Sergeant Williams is left hand man
L.G.Hicks Memorial Collection: ASH18 - Bugle Sergeant Charles Fleury plays at camp, 1910's
L.G.Hicks Memorial Collection: ASH17.02 - back of ASH17.01
L.G.Hicks Memorial Collection: ASH17.01 - QOR Bugles, Aldershot england, 1910
L.G.Hicks Memorial Collection: ASH15 - QOR Buglers, possibly England, 1910
L.G.Hicks Memorial Collection: ASH14.02 - Cover for ASH14.01
L.G.Hicks Memorial Collection: ASH14.01 - Professional portrait of Bugle Sergeant Frank Thomas (Banty) Foster,England, 1910's, Photographer Weston and Son, Folkstone, England
L.G.Hicks Memorial Collection: ASH11 - Bugler Frank Gardner, 1910's, possibly Niagara-On-The-Lake
L.G.Hicks Memorial Collection: ASH10 - Drummers in England, Pre D-Day, L-R R (Bob) Hurst, Gill May (killed on D-Day), Les Swanston, Harry Baxter
L.G.Hicks Memorial Collection: ASH09 - 19 QOR Drummers and Buglers on board ship, likely 1910 trip to England
L.G.Hicks Memorial Collection: ASH08 - 14 QOR Buglers and Bandsmen, onboard ship, possibly 1910 trip to England
L.G.Hicks Memorial Collection: 2024.09.006 unframed, BW photo, 1 Bn QOR NCOs, Camp Borden, 3 Aug, 1940
L.G.Hicks Memorial Collection: 2024.09.005 A Company, England, 1941
L.G.Hicks Memorial Collection: 2024.10.001 1994 Reception for Gen Ramsbotham
L.G.Hicks Memorial Collection: 2024.10.001 1994 Reception for Gen Ramsbotham