L.G.Hicks Memorial Collection: British AFV deploying
L.G.Hicks Memorial Collection: British Challenger tank
L.G.Hicks Memorial Collection: British Warrior AFV in tree line 2
L.G.Hicks Memorial Collection: British Warrior AFV in tree line
L.G.Hicks Memorial Collection: British Warrior AFVs driving along MSR
L.G.Hicks Memorial Collection: British Warrior AFVs on manouver
L.G.Hicks Memorial Collection: British Warrior AFVs
L.G.Hicks Memorial Collection: Brits taking a prisoner
L.G.Hicks Memorial Collection: Craig Hood in British AFV
L.G.Hicks Memorial Collection: Harmes clearing woodline
L.G.Hicks Memorial Collection: Inside British AFV
L.G.Hicks Memorial Collection: MCpl Craig Hood and Rfn Stalteri on the move
L.G.Hicks Memorial Collection: MCpl Craig Hood at barbwire fench
L.G.Hicks Memorial Collection: QOR section infront of British AFV
L.G.Hicks Memorial Collection: QOR section on leave
L.G.Hicks Memorial Collection: Rfn Traynor, Rfn Burns, Rfn Kiss, and Rfn Stalteri having a pint
L.G.Hicks Memorial Collection: Rfn at the high ready
L.G.Hicks Memorial Collection: Rfn Burns with C6
L.G.Hicks Memorial Collection: Rfn cleaning SA80s
L.G.Hicks Memorial Collection: Rfn conducting section attack
L.G.Hicks Memorial Collection: Rfn in back of British AFV
L.G.Hicks Memorial Collection: Rfn in Warrior AFV smiling
L.G.Hicks Memorial Collection: Rfn in Warrior AFV