L.G.Hicks Memorial Collection: Cpl Jackie Coleman, 1972, CFB Borden (img352)
L.G.Hicks Memorial Collection: 1980 NBC Training 003
L.G.Hicks Memorial Collection: 1980 NBC Training002
L.G.Hicks Memorial Collection: 1980 Sergeants' Mess
L.G.Hicks Memorial Collection: 1982 December Queen's Own Rifles of Canada Officers
L.G.Hicks Memorial Collection: 1985 Nov Regimental Band and Colonel in Chief
L.G.Hicks Memorial Collection: 1985 - Jump Course 8508
L.G.Hicks Memorial Collection: Warrant Officer Jerry Senetchko on exercise 1986
L.G.Hicks Memorial Collection: c1980, At the Royal Canadian Military Institute
L.G.Hicks Memorial Collection: c1980, Len Curchin, Greg Burton, Ian Townshend-Carter, Bruce McEachern, Llewelyn Matthews, Larry Hicks, James Strathy, Jack Clough, Fred Burrows
L.G.Hicks Memorial Collection: 1979, QOR Officers' Baseball Team, championship year
L.G.Hicks Memorial Collection: c1978, Maj John White, 2Lt Ian Townshend-Carter
L.G.Hicks Memorial Collection: CFB Borden, circa 1978
L.G.Hicks Memorial Collection: CFB Borden, Sten Sub Machinegun
L.G.Hicks Memorial Collection: 2Lt Larry Hicks, CFB Borden, circa 1978
L.G.Hicks Memorial Collection: 1860 QOR Cadet, CFB Borden
L.G.Hicks Memorial Collection: 1978 WO Gerry Senetchko, CFB Borden
L.G.Hicks Memorial Collection: c1974, QOR Subalterns
L.G.Hicks Memorial Collection: c1974, QOR Officers, Moss Park Armoury