L.G.Hicks Memorial Collection: SCN_0040 - Copy (2)
L.G.Hicks Memorial Collection: Queen Mary Lt Harris Sept 10 1941
L.G.Hicks Memorial Collection: Queen Mary departing Sept 10 1941
L.G.Hicks Memorial Collection: Queen Mary at Review Stand
L.G.Hicks Memorial Collection: Queen Mary at Review stand Lt. Medland
L.G.Hicks Memorial Collection: QOR officers with Queen Mary Sept 10 1941
L.G.Hicks Memorial Collection: Padre meeting the Queen Sept 10 1941
L.G.Hicks Memorial Collection: First man to meet Queen Mary Sept 10 1941
L.G.Hicks Memorial Collection: Col McKendrick meets Queen Mary Sept 10 1941
L.G.Hicks Memorial Collection: Col McKendrick Meets Queen mary Review stand Sept 10 1941
L.G.Hicks Memorial Collection: Queen Mary's Funeral, 28 March 1953
L.G.Hicks Memorial Collection: Dalton Album - 283
L.G.Hicks Memorial Collection: Dalton Album - 284
L.G.Hicks Memorial Collection: Dalton Album - 285
L.G.Hicks Memorial Collection: Dalton Album - 286
L.G.Hicks Memorial Collection: 04080B Aldershot,1941, Queen Mary, Colonel in Chief
L.G.Hicks Memorial Collection: 04455 Queen Mary Inspecting the QOR, LCol HD MacKendrick England, 1941
L.G.Hicks Memorial Collection: 04014 Queen Mary Funeral, 28 Mar 1953
L.G.Hicks Memorial Collection: 04223 King George V, Queen Mary, Honours Ceremony, 1910
L.G.Hicks Memorial Collection: QOR2019-09-11-102
L.G.Hicks Memorial Collection: QOR2019-09-11-101
L.G.Hicks Memorial Collection: QOR2019-09-11-100
L.G.Hicks Memorial Collection: QOR2019-09-11-99