qi_tah: TheatreWIP3rs_031013
qi_tah: TheatreWIP2rs_031013
qi_tah: TheatreWIP1rs_011013
qi_tah: TheatreWIP2rs_011013
qi_tah: TheatreWIP2rs_290913
qi_tah: TheatreWIP1rs_240913
qi_tah: TheatreWIP2rs_240913
qi_tah: TheatreWIP3rs_240913
qi_tah: TheatreWIPrs_190913
qi_tah: Petraea University - Grand lecture theatre and debating hall (front looking up)
qi_tah: Petraea University - Grand lecture theatre and debating hall (interior right)
qi_tah: Petraea University - Grand lecture theatre and debating hall (interior left)
qi_tah: Studying is hard work!
qi_tah: Recreational pursuits
qi_tah: Petraea University - Grand lecture theatre and debating hall (front)
qi_tah: Honarary degree presentation
qi_tah: Am i late?
qi_tah: Petraea University - Grand lecture theatre and debating hall (LHS 3/4)
qi_tah: Petraea University - Grand lecture theatre and debating hall (back of dome)
qi_tah: Petraea University - Grand lecture theatre and debating hall (interior)
qi_tah: Seymour show lego exhibit 1
qi_tah: Seymour show lego exhibit 2
qi_tah: Seymour show lego exhibit 3