Malcolm Tredinnick: Russ, Jannis
Malcolm Tredinnick: Healthy people
Christopher Neugebauer: PyCon Australia 2011 -- Saturday
rdegges: IMG_0088
rdegges: IMG_0087
rdegges: IMG_0089
mahmoudhashemi: Consumer Notebook
mahmoudhashemi: Danny 1
mahmoudhashemi: Consumer Notebook 2
mahmoudhashemi: Consumers, meet your notebook
New Relic: PyCon Party Guests 71
PyLadies: PyDanny cartwheel
PyLadies: IMG_2486.JPG
PyLadies: Python Ladies' Night 3
kjarmul: Python ladies night 0.1 = success. :) (cc: @audreyr)
Michael Foord: Michael and Delia
Michael Foord: Audrey on the pogo stick
Michael Foord: Audrey on the pogo stick (@audreyr)
Sebastian Hillig: The django Pony killed the core Pinax team
jacobian: Danny on the hill
ubernostrum: Part of the dinner crowd
tombrander: 2010-02-20 23.21.30
ubernostrum: Ah, Kansas
Ted Leung: PyCon 2009
gooberfishbowl: 2009-09-07 18.07.58
gooberfishbowl: 2009-09-07 16.31.56
Sebastian Hillig: Daniel Greenfeld