AnnaTR80: Portra-Kümmel
leesure: Portra 400 scans-006
Shawn Hoke: Vintage Green Schwinn, Kodak Portra 400
jon9000: new portra 400
samhaberman: Natalie
Stephen Pike: The Traveller
Stephen Pike: Molly Zorki
Regular Rod: Stonelow Flat - Evening Sunshine
Stephen Pike: Sneaky Kisses
Waitingforthelight: Waiting for the light #2
Joe Magowan: Sleeping Rough
schaft9: SIGMA 8-16mm F4.5-5.6 DC HSM
Liam S.: Think write read
Liam S.: Bicycle road
RaúlM.: Yashica Minister III
Spatz Photo: HOLGA_Tmax100_Pano01_2400dpi
Patrick Ng: DIY 35mm Film Retriever - Step 5: align the film tongue
Patrick Ng: DIY 35mm Film Retriever - Step 4: apply new masking tape
Patrick Ng: DIY 35mm Film Retriever - Step 3: cutting
Patrick Ng: DIY 35mm Film Retriever - Step 2: marking
Patrick Ng: DIY 35mm Film Retriever - Step1: preparation
Patrick Ng: DIY 35mm Film Retriever - Step 6: retrieving
farbanomalie: heek v
farbanomalie: heek vi