rchrispy: Schrodinger cube
rchrispy: Twisted flower
rchrispy: Twisted Flower - close up
rchrispy: twisted flower - close up
rchrispy: Endpaper Mitts
rchrispy: Endpaper Mitts - close up
rchrispy: WIP Secret pal socks
rchrispy: A interesting week of slow start
rchrispy: bust dart placement
rchrispy: Wrapped stitch
rchrispy: wrapped stitch picked up but not knit
rchrispy: The wrapped stitch picked up and knit
rchrispy: Finished bust darts
rchrispy: Arwen - a bit further
rchrispy: Arwen
rchrispy: Twisted Flower - One Down, Second on the way
rchrispy: Cable goodness of Arwen
rchrispy: WIP - Cardigan for Arwen
rchrispy: Wicked in progress
rchrispy: Close up of the neckline of wicked
rchrispy: A sleeve of wicked
rchrispy: Almost done swap socks
rchrispy: Tasto booties
rchrispy: Arwen in need of a hood
rchrispy: Pomatomus
rchrispy: arwen seamed and second side started.
rchrispy: mitten yarn
rchrispy: Olive Oil socks on Oil
rchrispy: SPSS II - first sock
rchrispy: the second sock for BIL