a_purple_turtle: End of the line for the shoes
a_purple_turtle: 24th March
a_purple_turtle: 18th August
a_purple_turtle: 18th August
a_purple_turtle: 24th July
a_purple_turtle: 23rd July
a_purple_turtle: 21st July
a_purple_turtle: Wildflowers
a_purple_turtle: 1st August
a_purple_turtle: 29th June
a_purple_turtle: 30th June
a_purple_turtle: 30th June
a_purple_turtle: IMG_1051
a_purple_turtle: IMG_1050
a_purple_turtle: IMG_1049
a_purple_turtle: 27th July
a_purple_turtle: IMG_1047
a_purple_turtle: IMG_1046
a_purple_turtle: IMG_1045
a_purple_turtle: IMG_1044
a_purple_turtle: IMG_1043
a_purple_turtle: IMG_1042
a_purple_turtle: IMG_1041
a_purple_turtle: IMG_1037
a_purple_turtle: IMG_1036
a_purple_turtle: IMG_1035
a_purple_turtle: 26th July
a_purple_turtle: IMG_1032