Purple Pinwheel: boxed up
Purple Pinwheel: Heirloom Pajamas 2
Purple Pinwheel: Heirloom Pajamas 1
Purple Pinwheel: wardrobe refashion, dress makeover, before
Purple Pinwheel: Orange dress made into a shirt -back
Purple Pinwheel: Orange dress made into a shirt, front
Purple Pinwheel: small patchwork skirt size 2T
Purple Pinwheel: small patchwork skirt size 2 T
Purple Pinwheel: medium patchwork skirt size 5
Purple Pinwheel: medium patchwork skirt size 5
Purple Pinwheel: before t shirt makeover
Purple Pinwheel: after t shirt makeover
Purple Pinwheel: Stitch and Split Friendship Quilt 1
Purple Pinwheel: Stitch and Split Friendship Quilt 2
Purple Pinwheel: Heirloom Cradle bedding
Purple Pinwheel: Cradle bedding
Purple Pinwheel: Cradle bedding and sign
Purple Pinwheel: fabric for heirloom Cradle
Purple Pinwheel: Race for the Cure tshirt makeover, back view.