xtinepics: Black on Whites...our dog LOVES fresh, warm laundry.
xtinepics: (not-so) Blue Angel Roses
xtinepics: Brandywine in bloom!
xtinepics: DSCN0031
xtinepics: Home!
xtinepics: Sure, bro...
xtinepics: Souvenir Mega Store
xtinepics: Shopping Nuns
xtinepics: Root Furniture
xtinepics: Mother and Child
xtinepics: Alex's Blue Lamp
xtinepics: My girly antique lamp
xtinepics: My old headboard
xtinepics: Tropical Foliage
xtinepics: Dappled Sunlight
xtinepics: Passion Flower
xtinepics: View from the 'Office'
xtinepics: Ah, magnificent.
xtinepics: Clearly...
xtinepics: This one may be a toughie...
xtinepics: This might be easier...
xtinepics: What about these guys?
xtinepics: Name this desciple...
xtinepics: Details...
xtinepics: Front Door
xtinepics: Yet another garden shot.
xtinepics: Heart-Shaped Hole
xtinepics: Still there...
xtinepics: Coke Litro, Repurposed
xtinepics: More Mama