imagiηeer: You know what charm is...
imagiηeer: Time stands still best in moments that look suspiciously like ordinary life.
imagiηeer: 'What! You too? I thought I was the only one.'
imagiηeer: ...the best thing about life... *(explored)
imagiηeer: You will never do anything in this world without courage. It is the greatest quality of the mind next to honor. *(explored)
imagiηeer: How do I love thee? Let me count the ways. *(explored)
imagiηeer: "...a grin without a cat! It's the most curious thing I ever saw in all my life!"
imagiηeer: Cease, warring thoughts, and let his brain... (*explored)
imagiηeer: i feel a way of something beyond them, i dont see what i can feel; If vision is the only validation then most of my life isn't real!
imagiηeer: There is hope that tomorrow i wont hope anymore... (*explored)
imagiηeer: Me vs. Me
imagiηeer: Mystery
imagiηeer: Cause it's a bitter sweet symphony this life...
imagiηeer: Abstract ? ... or Concrete?
imagiηeer: Mademoiselle Bee (*explored)
imagiηeer: belief
imagiηeer: i am a pretty pink lady with pretty pink hair & a pretty pink fur coat (=
imagiηeer: The Gang - Out on a Hunt for Eidi
imagiηeer: errr pretty pink tuesday ??? :P (*explored)
imagiηeer: Nobody knows this little Rose...
imagiηeer: Pretty Pink Tuesday ;-) (*explored)
imagiηeer: A few secrets *shhhh* (*explored)
imagiηeer: my heart bleeds... (*explored)
imagiηeer: Pretty Pink Tuesday *(explored)
imagiηeer: My sticky shoes - why you stick on me... baby? *(explored)
imagiηeer: Why don't you like me without making me try? *(explored)
imagiηeer: Yet have no art to say...
imagiηeer: Why—do they shut Me out of Heaven?
imagiηeer: I may remember him...