Greg Fotos: Hotshop Reflected
dklaughman: Water Lily ......6O3A4623CR2A
LauriNovakPhotography: Angled Architecture
LauriNovakPhotography: 8 of 9: Complementary Waves (this is the color version of Day 1 - I liked them both for different reasons.)
justenoughfocus: Mood Swings
justenoughfocus: Week Ends
zuffogrande: Grapes soon to be Vino
nrotmancote: YY5A8657-Edit
lapdog99: Jamie Zartman
Nupilot: _BLK6048-Edit
zuffogrande: The Porch
justenoughfocus: Bok Path
J. DeRuosi: The Long and Short of It
J. DeRuosi: Sailors Take Warning
gillouvannes56: perch of parrots
gillouvannes56: SURF the first steps
LauriNovakPhotography: I Gotta Itch
LauriNovakPhotography: Barn Swallows
gillouvannes56: sans titre-68
LauriNovakPhotography: Antarctic Humpback Whale Fluke
LauriNovakPhotography: Spring has sprung
MauiPalmer: The Grand Tetons
MauiPalmer: Top of the World
LauriNovakPhotography: The Earth laughs in flowers. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson
J. DeRuosi: Another Link in the Chain
J. DeRuosi: To Every Thing There is a Season
J. DeRuosi: Water in All Its Forms
J. DeRuosi: The End of a Perfect Day