Kevin James54: Blue Jay
Robert Streithorst: Burning Bird
Fat Burns ☮: eastern great egret
Fat Burns ☮: aspects of narruman
Fat Burns ☮: the nectar hunters - a little wattlebird #1
Erick Manuel Hernandez /Observador de Aves de El S: Quetzal / Resplendent quetzal "Pharomachrus mocinno"
jt893x: White-throated Sparrow
Brian E Kushner: Male Blue Grosbeak
jt893x: Pipevine Swallowtail
Fat Burns ☮: in the shadows - a spangled drongo
fuzzy_dunlop_nola: The Unbearable Lightness of Being
Eugenios X.: A Reflection II
Ralph Punkenhofer: Der hintere Langbathsee in Oberösterreich
Darvi: Destination
Ralph Punkenhofer: Mondaufgang am Almsee
sgoldswo: The Lights of City Hall
ToxicTabasco: Cathedral Gorge Galaxy
Bertrand P: Arc de Triomphe in the early morning, Paris
TheFella: Valley View
Clione Limacina: Mt. Togakushi
Clione Limacina: Mt. Myoko
Grgur Culina: Croatia under the stars II: Cape planka
DFS photos: Moonlit hills
Ken Lee Photography: Trona Glow Star Trails
Luigi Alesi: Dolomiti di Sesto - laghetti ai Piani
gatisrudins: Burtnieks
Fat Burns ☮: 3:58pm: easter monday - sacred kingfisher
Fat Burns ☮: ♀ australasian figbird #1
Fat Burns ☮: outback super moon
quinnandy163: Waxwing