punquin: Temp pic for a friend!
punquin: Holding daddy's hand 😍
punquin: #2016iol366 June 23rd. I had to walk this grumpy gus to sleep before dinner, then let him nap on me in the sling while we ate. He's a very sweet, calm baby though.
punquin: #2016jax366iol June 23rd. My superstar! πŸ’«πŸŒŸβœ¨
punquin: Someone was needy the evening and needed to be held during dinner.
punquin: All worth it.
punquin: 9 days old
punquin: Happy and full πŸ’•
punquin: Snoozy lemon burrito πŸ‹πŸ’€
punquin: Sebastian slept peacefully while I got Jax ready for bed, folded his laundry and got myself ready. πŸ˜πŸ‘
punquin: #2016jax366iol June 22nd. My first night putting Jax to bed while home alone with baby. So far so good, as Sebastian is chilling in his rock n play just outside Jax's room. Made it through reading without fussing.
punquin: When I had my initial mini stroke, I thought it was a weird fainting spell, but called my OB just in case. Later that day, my left hand went numb and tingly - I thought I'd pinched a nerve. But I woke up the next morning unable to smile on the left, and a
punquin: #2016iol366 June 22nd. I still have faint tingling in the lower left part of my face, and my left middle finger tip is quite tingly, but I'm happy to be alive and not is worse shape. I get scared anytime I get a twinge if a headache, or my eyes aren't per
punquin: How dare you change my diaper and put on my jammies?! #milkaholic #feedmenow 🍼🍈🍈😁
punquin: This is how I feel as well, recovering from the birth, the hospitalization and nursing around the clock.
punquin: Been looking forward to donuts for months! πŸ‘ Finally have a working digestive system. πŸ©πŸ’•
punquin: #2016iol366 June 21st. I keep dreaming I'm in a hospital bed hooked up to needles and tubes and electrodes. I open my eyes to feed Sebastian, but as soon as I close them I'm back to being trapped. But it makes morning so much sweeter to sit in the quiet n
punquin: SO much better than hospital food! πŸ•πŸ’•πŸ‘πŸ˜
punquin: He can't see himself in the mirror yet because of the angle, but he loves to look into it during changes.
punquin: Life now. Totally worth it to be able to nurse Sebastian. But I'm hoping to only have to take this short term. Two shots a day is rough, and I did a crappy job tonight. #lovenox
punquin: Baby's first trip to our favorite pizza place! πŸ‘ΆπŸ•
punquin: Sebastian's first bath! 🚿
punquin: What 6 blood draws look like on blood thinners. Would have been 7, but number 6 was one minute before she arrived to draw it and I turned her away to share with the last guy. The bruise is entirely from draw 6. πŸ’‰πŸ˜– We are awaiting a grea
punquin: Food!! Not hospital "food"!
punquin: What 4 days in the hospital does to me. One week postpartum and 5 lbs away from my normal weight. I escaped the hospital just as Dietary caught on to my bmi and started sending people to see me.
punquin: He's pretty much spent his whole life so far in the hospital. Long enough that he lost his umbilical cord there. Cute little button!
punquin: Sebastian 😍
punquin: A quiet morning. πŸ’• We didn't know he was Sebastian until we met him.
punquin: My little squish!
punquin: #2016jax366iol June 21st. Home. πŸ’“