(Thanks for 4.5Mio views): Wattie & Irish Rob | The Exploited
denver662: Billy Bragg concert
Convertido Photography: D.I.R.T., Galaxy Club, Dallas, TX, 4-1994
Ludo Pics-Troy: The Hellfreaks @ Bar le Tigre (Selestat)
mint Art: the legendary SNFU, Gullivers Manchester
ainhoa.beristain: Berri Txarrak J.M.H. (Thanks for 4.5Mio views): Dave O'Brien | Peter and the Test Tube Babies
Libertinus: Jello Biafra @ SO36
streetframe1: R0000203-Edit-Edit
Libertinus: EA80 @ SO36
Ludo Pics-Troy: Les 20 ans du Molodoi avec PIGALLE, PARABELLUM et les WASHINGTON DEAD CATS (Strasbourg)
garygophoto: fiskales ad-hok
Iago Alonso: Blowfuse
socialdrummer: Social Distortion 1984
Edwaste: Stiv Bators / Cheetah Chrome, The Dead Boys, CBGB's 1977
Fouquier: Of Punks and Clowns
Michelle Olaya photography: COCK SPARRER @ LÖWENSAAL, NUREMBERG-GERMANY 06/12/13
Talco's Pics!: Ska-P live @ Zenith
aierttt: Porco Bravo Deaffest
Gibby Goulard: joan jett gaye advert
Dante Ramone: The master at work.
Dante Ramone: Joey Ramone & Gaye Adverts
Mink Jaguar: Gaye Advert
Brian Ravaux - ImmortalizR: Sniffing Glue (DE)