Angelo Giagnacovo: DOGMA AMGOD
Manlio Castagna: Marseille - Carousel
jef cris: Call Of Duty
Manlio Castagna: Sacile - The bridge on the Livenza River
Carlo Ch: The Path of Purification
Carlo Ch: Call me back
Cristiana Ottanelli: Picnic at Hanging Rock
fabyd: SI :)
Angelo Giagnacovo: mumble mumble
Verygio' Photography ⚓: Fino all'ultimo resto di noi, io resto.
DISAMISTADE_my life is a reportage!: ARROW of NATURAL LIGHT
Jeff Gaydash: Wheatley Shoreline
Manlio Castagna: Sant'Agata de' Goti
Manlio Castagna: Amsterdam - Damrak
Manlio Castagna: Kirremuir - Where Peter Pan's writer was born
Manlio Castagna: Los Angeles - The deer in the morning
g_u: una sera a ferrano (1)
klovir: is there any space in your heart for me to fill in?
docworld: Shooting "TuttoTorna" - 3
Maurizio De Feudis: waiting.....
Manlio Castagna: Inverness on the Loch Ness
mariateresa toledo: Emozioni...
Manlio Castagna: Strathpeffer - once upon a time ago