Bernardi Alessio: DSC_0874-4
Sean M Richardson: Castello Brancere
M-A-U-R-O: Mauro Amoroso ©
James Kerwin Photographic: De Facto Series | The Claw
Sean M Richardson: Villa Stresa
Lorenzo Capolupi: -Biomimetics-
Woven Eye: • Thousands of steps that lead nowhere…
Sean M Richardson: Jungle Factory
Doge Antico: Scuola Marco Polo 3
danimesk: Vanishing point La dottrina segreta
Stefano Barattini: DSC_7492©
Thomas Junior Fotografie: The secret garden
Sean M Richardson: The Volkswagen Graveyard
Woven Eye: • Youth knows no pain…
Decentra: demolition inc.
Adam R.T.: Akai
Rommel il lungimirante: Il figlio stanco
doppi4punt4: Even_Saints.jpg
Knee Bee: steel-plant