Pascal Echevest | Nature:
Silky umbrellas in the meadow / Ombrelles dans le pré
Pascal Echevest | Nature:
Pascal Echevest | Nature:
Au fond de la vallée / At the end of the valley
Pascal Echevest | Nature:
To get out into the green / Se mettre au vert
Pascal Echevest | Nature:
Brasier au coucher / Blaze at the sunset
Pascal Echevest | Nature:
Couleurs de fin d'hiver... Rouge-gorge / Colors from the end of winter... European Robin
IMG_9460-28 novembre 2013
Pat's Pics36:
Splendor in the Sky!
Alfred Weidinger:
Mucubal woman during a festivity near Virei, Angola
Alfred Weidinger:
Abaywesh Alemayehu near Gojeb River, Ethiopia
Casa Mila