pat-s: Rustic #4
pat-s: Rustic #3
pat-s: A tree dreams of sky
pat-s: Fractured
pat-s: Ona Beach, low tide
pat-s: Beaver Creek
pat-s: December day
pat-s: High rise driftwood shelter
pat-s: Old growth
pat-s: Sentinel
pat-s: Coleville Point
pat-s: Calm day
pat-s: The light under a cottonwood
pat-s: New Mexico landscape
pat-s: Adobe house
pat-s: Adobe house
pat-s: Socorro door
pat-s: Yucca
pat-s: After the downpour
pat-s: Spider Rock
pat-s: Canyon floor, Canyon de Chelly
pat-s: Canyon de Chelly
pat-s: Hillside
pat-s: Stories
pat-s: The Great Migration
pat-s: Patchwork
pat-s: Gold Street
pat-s: Window on Gold Street
pat-s: Main Street
pat-s: Casino Cafe