Puget Sound Express: BCX1333 Ghost and 2023 calf
Puget Sound Express: Steller sea lions
Puget Sound Express: Harbor seals
Puget Sound Express: Elephant seal
Puget Sound Express: Race Rocks Ecological Reserve
Puget Sound Express: unknown/mystery humpback!
Puget Sound Express: BCZ0432 Two Spot
Puget Sound Express: BCZ0432 Two Spot
Puget Sound Express: BCX1773 Valiant (6/30)
Puget Sound Express: BCX1792 Oracle and BCX1718 Blizzard surface side by side in the fog (6/27)
Puget Sound Express: BCX1333 Ghost and her 2023 calf (6/28)
Puget Sound Express: BCX1792 Oracle (6/30)
Puget Sound Express: Humpback lunge-feeding at the surface (6/27)
Puget Sound Express: Our PSE family. Each year at the start of the busy summer, we come together at the Hanke homestead for a company picnic. We are so grateful for the skill, passion and commitment of this group, and for the partners/spouses/friends that support them.
Puget Sound Express: This is our awesome Port Angeles crew holding three balloons they pulled out of the Salish Sea today. If you add the four balloons our Edmonds crew retrieved that’s 7 balloons pulled out of the ocean in one day! A good reminder to please dispose of your
Puget Sound Express: CRC#2362 Thidwick
Puget Sound Express: T99C Barakat
Puget Sound Express: CRC#56 Stardust