Transport Photos UK: Stagecoach Manchester - 80080 - SK74BHD
AndrewHAs: South Notts . Gotham , Nottinghamshire . 95 DVO95J . Gotham garage yard , Nottinghamshire . Sunday afternoon 17th-May-1970.
SelmerOrSelnec: G M Buses South 261 (KDW 347P)
SelmerOrSelnec: G M Buses 2040 (H140 GVM)
Buses2012: Go North West 3084 (BF62UXL)
Martha R Hogwash: Bee Line Buzz 802 (BOK 34V)
Martha R Hogwash: Lofty, Bridge Trafford ALG 163J
The Wulfrun Way: Trent 481, Bentinck Road, Nottingham, 1973
Mike McNiven: Stagecoach SN16OUK
SelmerOrSelnec: Stagecoach Manchester 13185 (OE62 ZRT ex K1 OXF)
Regional Bus Photos: GS SLIDES ZV 399
Regional Bus Photos: GS SLIDES ZV 402
Regional Bus Photos: GS SLIDES ZV 409
Regional Bus Photos: GS SLIDES ZV 405
Regional Bus Photos: GS SLIDES ZU 779
Mike McNiven: Stagecoach SK15HFX
8860Brian: The school run
Ben G's Transport Pictures: Stagecoach Bluebird OO05BLU 84035
Ben G's Transport Pictures: Diamond Bus North West SN11BSV 40532
SelmerOrSelnec: G M Buses North 509 (M509 PNA)
Ray McCreath: 73054 YK74PMX
Ray McCreath: 46010 YX74OPF
GG Transport & Motorsport: Stagecoach Manchester SK74BKG 80115
GG Transport & Motorsport: Stagecoach Manchester SK74BHL 80092
Lost-Albion: Manchester
josh83680: Selwyns Travel Alexander Dennis Enviro 200 YY15 NHP
Lost-Albion: Nottingham
Lost-Albion: SELNEC in sunny Salford
Ingy The Wingy: J.FISHWICK & SONS 34 SGD 669
Waterford_Man: Stagecoach London - 12375 - YX16OGO