shexbeer: [ incoming light ]
shexbeer: [ corridor 12 ]
shexbeer: [ escalator safety ]
shexbeer: [ Potters Manor House ]
shexbeer: [ forgotten manor ]
shexbeer: [ I'll be back for a moment... ]
shexbeer: [ Gloucester Cathedral ]
shexbeer: [ time machine ]
shexbeer: Dublin | Samuel Beckett Bridge
shexbeer: [ Ireland | Howth ]
shexbeer: [ SOŁDEK ]
c@rljones: D700 stretches it's arms and remarks on a job well done.
-terry-: Scotland / Skye 2010 - Eilean Donan Castle (2)
shexbeer: [ Plac Wałowy ]
Sian Bowi: Wind in the wool
shexbeer: [ winter | long market st ]
shexbeer: Kościół Św. Michała i Stanisława
Need A Haircut: Cardiff Bay wetlands 2
Alexia Sinclair: Macbeth - NZ Opera
shexbeer: * first snow *
c@rljones: Lights and stars and stuff
shexbeer: [ attic treasures ]
Capt' Gorgeous: Tunnel Party
shexbeer: [ industrial jungle ]
Sean Bolton (no longer active): Time and Tide Waits for No Man
mike turtle: Fan Brycheiniog yesterday morning