photog_at: 20170819 1086
northcoastgreg: Up the Tree
northcoastgreg: Spring Sunrise at Crater Lake
northcoastgreg: Autumn at Manzanita Lake
Andy Neophytou: IMGP2011
ElisSerenity: On Autumn Wings
michael ryan photography: The Reaility of Imagination
Raung: _DSC1819-s
Raung: _DSC1827-s
hploeckl: Feel it
Karine BERNARDOUX: Ode à la fritillaire - 6
_Asphaltmann_: only a leaf
MC-80: Capo Pertusato - Bonifacio, Corsica
hploeckl: No celebration
Raung: DSC_4213-s
Pásztor András: Flower | Explore on 2017.09.05 | Thank you all!
JJFET: Paddy .. Flies n' all
Tomo M: the waterdroplet connects petal and petal
Zyla, K. alone: Golden Ropa river.
Henk Verheyen: Het Bergerbos - Afferden, Netherlands
hoganphoto: Ruby ThroatedRuby Throated hummingbird male hummingbird male 20 17
Paulo Mattes: A hora do lanche
Dorpsgezicht Doorn: Brown eyed girl Dushi
Dackelpup: Monty