John Elsmore: Strangers and Ice
John Elsmore: Trinity lighthouse
John Elsmore: Rowan and Robin
John Elsmore: Rowan and the seastar
John Elsmore: Rowan having words with a seastar
John Elsmore: Chirch window
John Elsmore: Chirch windows
John Elsmore: Chirch window
John Elsmore: Flowers
John Elsmore: Butterfly
John Elsmore: view from the House "Lighthouse View"
John Elsmore: View from the House "Lighthouse View"
John Elsmore: Flowers in the window
John Elsmore: Big Berg
John Elsmore: The car
John Elsmore: Iceberg
John Elsmore: another flower
John Elsmore: Iceberg
John Elsmore: not seaworthy
John Elsmore: Iceberg
John Elsmore: Lobster pots
John Elsmore: Rowan and the ice
John Elsmore: fishing boat