lisamariep: Audubon
lisamariep: Chocolate Bourbon Pecan etc.
lisamariep: snack time
lisamariep: nap time
lisamariep: after julia margaret cameron. i wish.
lisamariep: Walkies
lisamariep: Walkies
lisamariep: so hungry.
lisamariep: Pretty typical Friday night
lisamariep: Typical
lisamariep: Presented without commentary
lisamariep: betches
lisamariep: image
lisamariep: image
lisamariep: to my mother on her high school graduation
lisamariep: grammy nugent getting married
lisamariep: annabelle and michael on their wedding day
lisamariep: annabelle, michael, great grandma freda.
lisamariep: great grandpa off to wwi
lisamariep: great grandpa off to wwi
lisamariep: Somebody's ready for bed...
lisamariep: awesome/awful/both?
lisamariep: shot_1278888130591.jpg
lisamariep: 2010-06-10 09.12.42
lisamariep: 2010-06-14 22.25.23