Fausto Deseri: Gruccione
Rebecca Bentliff: growing strong
tallphil: Kum Hong & his ladies
jhecking: Supertree Grove
WildImages: Chinstrap Penguin jumping from rock to rock KF5P8079
tallphil: Meiji-jingu
vishy-washy: The Shade
Talsi1: Lonely
mfoo228_sg: P1280217
WaveSurfer: Barren Trees
jonrob5000: P1010864
WaveSurfer: Pink Flowers
tallphil: Roots
tallphil: IMG_9594.jpg
Talsi1: Atlantic sunrise
Geomixz: Batam ktm Beautiful cloud
boopsie.daisy: Book Worm
Victor and Patricia Ocampo: Pris and Jet behind one of the Sema Stones