Kitty Kono: Fox By the Tree
zannestar: Bookmark
zannestar: Snow Angel
Kitty Kono: Psst - National Parks are Still Closed!
sarahbarrick1: Curvy Girl 8" print on bamboo block
sarahbarrick1: BITE010Sarahsm
Kitty Kono: Grrrrrrrrrr
Jeffrey: Empire State of Mine.
merrypad: I took a day away from the blog to... play. Fill you in on Monday. Happy weekend!
merrypad: It's been 2 years since I updated my headshot and avatars. Get used to it! #soawesome #soselfconscious #diy
merrypad: DIY driftwood hook
merrypad: Just a friendly reminder that plant distributors glue fake flowers to cacti for looks. #lame #themoreyouknow
zannestar: Our Solar System
Hugger Industries: This look is huge in Japan, he said @louisville2013 #cxworlds
zannestar: Vocabulary Homework
zannestar: Good Breakfast with Good Friends
hragv: Future Systems' awesome Selfridges department store (right) peeks out behind St Martin's church in Birmingham, UK
hannah.mishin: Beelitz-30
Don_Roff: Sheep and the snowy Blue Mtns. Yep, this is #wallawalla. #5milerun
Hugger Industries: Couple of Snow Bikes
Hugger Industries: Goodwill Treasure
Kitty Kono: Kingfisher
Tugboat Printshop: Printing "THE MOON"
Christi Nielsen: Smooch
merrypad: To tag onto what @dadandblog posted earlier, prettiest rainbow ever. Every color, bright. Oh, and hey, we can take that scrap lumber off your hands, daycare.
˙Cаvin 〄: Istanbul
Christi Nielsen: I Can't Look You In The Eye