PrincessPeach: Weird building on the way to work. I like how colorcross treats skies in #camerabag
PrincessPeach: Looks like Funnel Mill also has that chemistry lab coffee set up. Big cup of coffee for $4.
PrincessPeach: The snowman I made on NYE is looking more sad than it did upon creation.
PrincessPeach: Another view of the strange building.
PrincessPeach: Photo of the Day #project365
PrincessPeach: #project365 I really liked the sky here.
PrincessPeach: #project365 brought to you by fog and neon lights.
PrincessPeach: #project365 the sign for my office again.
PrincessPeach: #project365 fish stew noodles from Jasmine Market.
PrincessPeach: #project365 I may have met my match in stinky cheeses. Almost.
PrincessPeach: #project365 missed yesterday oops.
PrincessPeach: #project365 heading home. Hope this bus ride goes more smoothly than the last.
PrincessPeach: #project365 one of my favorite things about working from home. That and having lunch in the SGV.
PrincessPeach: #Project365 leftover tea from this morning makes good cold brewed tea in the afternoon.
PrincessPeach: Chinese Dinner for Chinese Parents
PrincessPeach: #project365 first try at making madelines