FRANFRANSEL: 11AM, Spring in the air 🌷🌱 空氣中飄逸著春天 #stayathome #fuckcovid19
FRANFRANSEL: 5PM, New friends in office 新夥伴🌱
FRANFRANSEL: 7PM, Sunset along the Seine 🌅 黃昏塞納河畔
FRANFRANSEL: 7PM, Before outbreak?! 疫情暴走的天象?! 😷☣️
FRANFRANSEL: 5PM 15/02, A splash of colors 一抹色彩🎨
FRANFRANSEL: 6PM, Is it beautiful? 覺得美麗 ✨
FRANFRANSEL: 4PM, Disembodied Posture - Taipei Art Awards @eatingwant 『不存在的姿態』- 台北美術獎 是否存在,或許無需血肉枝葉來闡釋,虛實交錯的姿態,延續出更多元的生命力
FRANFRANSEL: 8AM, Morning promenade in historical capital 初三晨. 古都漫步 🏯
FRANFRANSEL: 6PM, New Year pilgrimage 🙇‍♂️ 年節朝拜
FRANFRANSEL: 7AM, Foggy new year's eve morning 除夕. 晨霧
FRANFRANSEL: 12PM, Flying home ✈️🏡 回家過年 #maskon #antivirus
FRANFRANSEL: 10PM, Shiny trees in a freezing night 🌠⛄
FRANFRANSEL: 5PM, machi machi 麥吉在巴黎
FRANFRANSEL: 8AM, No filtered sky 🎨 無加料天空
FRANFRANSEL: 6PM, Plz don't censor me, received this gift right after coming back from CN consulate 😂 德國朋友禮物很有梗, 準備掃玻璃...
FRANFRANSEL: 2PM, Le p'tit plaisir de janvier 👑 一月份的小確幸
FRANFRANSEL: 9AM, Monday isn't always blue. 朦朧. 星期一
FRANFRANSEL: 12PM, B/W Paris in 2020✨
FRANFRANSEL: 6PM, Last evening of 2019 on Pont Neuf ✨ 新橋上的2019最後一夜
FRANFRANSEL: 9AM, Glittering✨ gonna be a good vibe day ✌ 週四の天空亮晶晶
FRANFRANSEL: 6PM, No fear, year-end fighting 💪 年底大作戰 ⚔️
FRANFRANSEL: 5PM, Ready for Xmas!! 聖誕氛圍 🎄🎄🎄
FRANFRANSEL: 9AM, "Winter is coming" ❄️ 枝頭上的寒意
FRANFRANSEL: 10PM, "Then Again" great moment with @halfmoonrun!!
FRANFRANSEL: 4PM, Cozy Saturday afternoon 🏠💛 冬天賴在家的愜意
FRANFRANSEL: 2PM, Au boulot 💪 工作中
FRANFRANSEL: 6PM 10/11, French luxury, Thai foods in an Amazonian jungle 🌴 法式浮誇森林系泰餐
FRANFRANSEL: 6PM, Make a wish 🙏 好夢就會趁你睡醒實現
FRANFRANSEL: 4PM, Paradisiac waterfall 唯美水幕
FRANFRANSEL: 9PM, Eco, trendy & glittering ✨ 平價的時尚