o(^.^)o: guangzhou, china 2008
o(^.^)o: takets in china
o(^.^)o: baaddd in guangzhou, china 2008
o(^.^)o: baaddd in guangzhou, china 2008
o(^.^)o: paint party
o(^.^)o: everything destroyed by cans
o(^.^)o: with senor mountain
o(^.^)o: i think chengdu
o(^.^)o: baaddd in chengdu, china 2008
o(^.^)o: dead in guangzhou
o(^.^)o: a truly punishing performance
o(^.^)o: butts
o(^.^)o: can't sing, just smudge the grownd
o(^.^)o: boogas n popsi
o(^.^)o: smells like wrong
o(^.^)o: the secret is...in the sauce
o(^.^)o: not red paint, blood. gross.
o(^.^)o: an old man
o(^.^)o: ruining lives
o(^.^)o: ruining lives
o(^.^)o: dallas, my hero
o(^.^)o: huffing paint
o(^.^)o: making art
o(^.^)o: the hard way
o(^.^)o: the writing's on the wall
o(^.^)o: ruining walls
o(^.^)o: ekky n dallas
o(^.^)o: bwah
o(^.^)o: pals
o(^.^)o: we could have done something nice but we didn't.....