davenlar1: A thing of beauty is a joy for the next 20 minutes or so. #siriusblackstout
davenlar1: It's all you need. #wedding #cookies #baking
davenlar1: Hermione Pig Dog gives no Christmas spirit. #christmas2015
davenlar1: Millie (bottom right) who will be 16 in 7 days, seems a bit overwhelmed. #christmas2015
davenlar1: Merry Chaos. 🎄🎄🎄
davenlar1: Merry Christmas from Lupin and me. #rescuedog #christmas2015
davenlar1: Hand pies finished, Yorkshire puddings batter resting but I cannot. Time to wrap like Run-DMC. #christmas2015
davenlar1: No family members were harmed in the making of these mincemeat hand pies. #sweeneytodd #baking #christmas2015
davenlar1: Words cannot express how much I love this Mexican street dog. #rescuedog #coydog #love
davenlar1: In which we are grateful we did not skimp on the buttering and flouring step. #gingerbread #baking
davenlar1: We just need a key master and a gate keeper. #StayPuft #ghostbusters #thereIsNoLaurenOnlyZull
davenlar1: Gozer The Gozerian Gozer The Destructor Volguus Zildrohar Gozer The Traveler Lord Of The Sebouillia #ghostbusters #StayPuft
davenlar1: I believe the technical term is a shitload of cinnamon red hot taffy. #candy #taffy
davenlar1: An ammonite in honor of William Smith and Simon Winchester. #MapThatChangedTheWorld
davenlar1: Yes, there's a tree under there. Yes, I can and will fit more on. I'm trying to represent all cultures, you bauble haters. Oh, and star is up. #neverEnoughBaublesBitches
davenlar1: Alright, already. I'm getting the eff fuck to wait on his majesty here. #closeBeggar #puggle
davenlar1: The star arrives today! #neverEnoughBaublesBitches #almostSolstice
davenlar1: Less than two feet from me, the pressure for a walk and breakfast. #justletmedrinkmycoffeeinpeace
davenlar1: The tree, still awaiting its star and a few more baubles, looks particularly pretty if I do say so myself. #almostSolstice #peaceonearth
davenlar1: I haven't blubbered so much reading a book since I can remember. Everyone needs to read this. It's changing my world view. I also truly miss Baltimore. "You are growing into consciousness, and my wish for you is that you feel no need to constrict yourse
davenlar1: One of my very favorite decorations on the tree. #failte #welcome
davenlar1: upload
davenlar1: Starfish still lost, ordered an illuminated Moravian star topper. #peaceonearth #almostSolstice
davenlar1: Peace on earth, good will to men. #please
davenlar1: Close-up. #blackSantaClaus #multiculturalism
davenlar1: I couldn't rest until I found my favorite ornament. #multiculturalism #blackSantaClaus
davenlar1: Supercat, Supercat, I wanna fly like a Supercat. #cats #christmastreecats
davenlar1: Decided this needed to move from the garage to the house. Tia the season, after all. #thieves
davenlar1: I made pretty. Who knew mini pumpkins could be repurposed so easily? #solsticeSoon
davenlar1: Neither seem happy with their pairing. #stillYes