predictablylost: Who wants ribs?
predictablylost: #patasucia @danisaurusss
predictablylost: This is nothing like the TV show
predictablylost: Honest Signs
predictablylost: Looks like I'm on the wrong trail!
predictablylost: Holdout Canyon's crazy rocks.
predictablylost: Walking on sunshine!
predictablylost: Unhand me this instant!
predictablylost: High-Four!
predictablylost: Tough trail
predictablylost: I hear the rent is cheap.
predictablylost: Javelina canyon!
predictablylost: No need to caulk the wagon and float across this one.
predictablylost: Hello, fellow traveler.
predictablylost: Overachieving thorns go right through the sole.
predictablylost: That is not lime-green Gatoraid.
predictablylost: And people turn their noses up to tap water.
predictablylost: Whatever cactus, you do you.
predictablylost: That is a good looking cactus.
predictablylost: Out of Order's favorite hat.
predictablylost: Not quite paddling Lake Superior.
predictablylost: Why didn't someone tell me about this possibility sooner?
predictablylost: Don't let it go to your heads.
predictablylost: Crossed the Rubicon, now I must escape Minnesota or freeze to death.
predictablylost: Rare Minnesotan gator. Almost extinct. Very dangerous.
predictablylost: The Angle's goodbye wave.
predictablylost: The gang at the end. Love you guys.
predictablylost: Willie Walleye!
predictablylost: What a Floridian looks like with highs in the 30s.
predictablylost: Ali adapting to the cold!