{prb}: Dead trees
{prb}: Those days are gone
{prb}: Tamarindo by boat
{prb}: Cloud Silhouette
{prb}: The Central Library
{prb}: I started to ask... what if?
{prb}: midlife crisis: washing out to sea
{prb}: Little Black Girdle
{prb}: midlife crisis: too exhausted to start over
{prb}: before and after
{prb}: alone at the beach
{prb}: P Beach
{prb}: B Street
{prb}: daunting barriers
{prb}: Boycott
{prb}: You are now leaving Photographic Reality
{prb}: weapon
{prb}: weapon
{prb}: rim light with PC lens
{prb}: gratuitous infrared superhornet shot
{prb}: San Fran
{prb}: enough
{prb}: possibility