Washington Area Spark: Strike over lie detector tests: 1975
stgermh: Where can I get ice cubes around here?
WaterWindStars: IMG_5903
warrenjabali: Lou Reed @ the Stone, 1.10.08
DerekL: St Bernadette's Social Club
WaterWindStars: I am a British Blue Shorthair, am I not? So stop giggling.
drpep: Larry “Bud” Melman
Tim Kiser: A striped awning for a commercial building!
FotoEdge: Does WD-40 Work on Rusty Signs? - Saint Joseph, Missouri USA
dr_loplop: DeepCat announcement
Tim Kiser: Design idea for an emporium's painted sign, in Iowa.
Tim Kiser: In Nogales on the U.S. side of the U.S.-Mexico border is this pink business of shoes and accessories.
florriebassingbourn: Sean Connery - thanks for all the super films!
WaterWindStars: Werewolf of London & Expert on Charles Dickens
WaterWindStars: My fabric collage sharing the wall with Klee, which is reflecting books & other stuff, who knows what, in my room. I don't think he would mind.
WaterWindStars: I see no dots or dolts or spots. What are you mumbling about?
ART NAHPRO: Black and White Project
Michael Horsley: 11th and F Street
WaterWindStars: Rocko Jocko Fonzo Dago
WaterWindStars: C'est moi
WaterWindStars: Calloo dreams she's in a tree house
Bahi P: Red velour