Dee Aar: DSC_5122
steve louie: Cults | @ Easy Street Records
Guillaume*: untitled (#1)
world of jan: Surrey Central City
Martin Lowery: ploughed
steve louie: The Honey Lounge | Vancouver
Simon-: By the Gargoyles' Watchful Eyes
sp_clarke: how to disappear
waferboard: dock at new westminster quay
Michael Kalus: Winter Stroll on Wreck Beach
Graham Ballantyne: Sentimental yellow
juliakoz: east hastings, vancouver
noah adams: role mach at scratch on dick's
steve louie: Delorean | @ the Biltmore
waferboard: an equitable division of the plane
waferboard: bike lane - low and slow
steve louie: Bad Fate | @ the Biltmore
Graham Ballantyne: Yanke Doodle Data
Airchinapilot: Demolition & Tree
noah adams: role mach at the grave level
Simon-: Nine O'Clock Gun
steve louie: Channels 3x4 | @ ROYGBIV
Airchinapilot: Granville Shallow