jimray: Stowa
Cbakley: LADEE Rocket Launch 9/6/13
mathowie: Hello Eugene
michele cat: Pancakes from @dennysdiner!
Mike Monteiro: Hank paying me exactly as much attention as I deserve.
ckwinny: the lamppost
michele cat: The door seems so far away in the dark.
Jeffrey: Polish Embassy, Manhattan
Steelopus: A new view of an old friend.
ckwinny: maplefanged pavementface
Tom Carmony: Flying Fortress
cjereneta: Ford
cjereneta: Wong’s
cjereneta: Williams Building
torrez: And Tyler Too
Jeffrey: My walk to the studio
blurb: Source
thedayhascome: Bourbon Tasting
Nick Douglas: Ceiling fan on a 1917 subway
Beep.: Beech.
Tacoma Urbanist: Andy Warhol Flowers for Tacoma Dome on the Dome
Tacoma Urbanist: Andy Warhol Flowers for Tacoma Dome on the Dom
Tacoma Urbanist: Andy Warhol Flowers for Tacoma Dome on the Dome
michele cat: 11:30 pm. It's beginning to look a lot like a blizzard
michele cat: snowed in