The Portus Project: Plan of the Palazzo Imperiale and associated buildings
The Portus Project: New render of Imperial palace (Grant Cox, ArtasMedia)
The Portus Project: New render of Terrazza (Grant Cox, ArtasMedia)
The Portus Project: New render by Grant Cox, ArtasMedia
The Portus Project: Plaster cast of the Torlonia Relief
The Portus Project: Roman tombs of 2nd c AD date along the Via Flavia in the Isola Sacra cemetery
The Portus Project: Roman theatre at Ostia
The Portus Project: View of the interior of the Caserma dei Vigili (barracks of the fire-brigade)
The Portus Project: General view of the Piazzale delle Corporazione at Ostia taken from the theatre
The Portus Project: A mosaic showing the grain measurers (mensores frumentarii)
The Portus Project: Entrance to the Horrea (warehouse) Epagathiana et Epaphroditiana
The Portus Project: Roman apartment blocks of 2nd c AD date at Ostia
The Portus Project: mosaic from one of the stationes in the Piazzale delle Corporazione
The Portus Project: Aerial view of Ostia in its broader context
The Portus Project: Columbarium Ostia
The Portus Project: Ostia, tabernae
The Portus Project: Ostia, square of commerce
The Portus Project: Ostia, forum, Capitolium
The Portus Project: Baths of Caracalla
The Portus Project: Carthaginian merchants
The Portus Project: Grain Measure
The Portus Project: Inscription from Portus
The Portus Project: Antemurale
The Portus Project: Late antemurale
The Portus Project: Coin found in a burial within the Navalia
The Portus Project: Surveying the burial within the Navalia
The Portus Project: Excavating the burial within the Navalia
The Portus Project: Drawing the wall remains