dave416: In Bermuda day 1 contd
dave416: In Bermuda day 1
dave416: Even parking lots can be interesting
dave416: Bessie
dave416: Grafiti
dave416: Finally :-)
dave416: Turning 9
dave416: What Sunday dinner has come to
dave416: What Sunday dinner has come to :(
dave416: Scarborough
dave416: Desolate Scarborough
dave416: Dogs playing
dave416: Feel like sushi tonight?
dave416: HipsDontLie-0769
dave416: Richmond and Jarvis
dave416: Lazy day
dave416: Candid - Dark Horse Expresso Bar
dave416: Wedding party in a horse drawn carriage
dave416: Wedding party in a horse drawn carriage
dave416: Wedding party in a horse drawn carriage
dave416: Wedding party in a horse drawn carriage
dave416: Lomography store
dave416: Queen West
dave416: Cake and ice cream Fridays - Black ice cream is just wrong
dave416: 2011-07-18 2:10 PM
dave416: 2011-07-18 2:10 PM
dave416: 1-1000 and no banding-0116
dave416: Suburbia @ Night-0095
dave416: Suburbia @ night