Pork-Chop: Holiday happy hour on a Monday!
Pork-Chop: Wild little brothers, pre-breakfast
Pork-Chop: Still wary of the blond human, during breakfast
Pork-Chop: The ol' Missouri
Pork-Chop: Tiny melty snowman lost his carrot nose
Pork-Chop: Ruptured ear drum means a 6am visit to the emergency room. My first! (All will be okay.)
Pork-Chop: Nurse cats, sleeping on the job (aka my hip)
Pork-Chop: Fingers crossed that I don't have as traumatic a wake up tomorrow morning as I had this morning.
Pork-Chop: 2014 holiday card
Pork-Chop: Not enough tots for full coverage, so now I've got a sort of potato flag hot dish.
Pork-Chop: Yarn bowl from my sister for Christmas - surely this will be the only cat who will be well behaved around my yarn!
Pork-Chop: Christmas morning relaxies
Pork-Chop: Lego Legolas for Christmas! My mister knows how to make me happy.
Pork-Chop: Done building Neuschwanstein! Time for another nap.
Pork-Chop: And for #walkingdeadmas, we managed to win as Glenn & Maggie! Whew - that was a close one!
Pork-Chop: Facebook Messenger told me to take a holiday selfie. How could I resist?