Pork-Chop: It's World MS Day and mostly I want to complain about how tired I am, because my attitude has been pessimistic lately. I got really sick with the common cold last week and I'm sure it hit me harder just because of my suppressed immune system. It felt blea
Pork-Chop: My last little wrap up of the 2024 #MNYarnShopHop. It was a quieter hop this year for many reasons but, really, the best part of it is the quality time I get to spend with some of my favorite people. All the yarns are always fun to squish, too, of course
Pork-Chop: I got to show off my latest finished object at @RoseYarnCo this morning: the #VBackTee from @knitosophy, made with @ruby_and_roses_yarn! The construction on this top was a bit wild! I wrote a lot of notes for myself throughout but I did really enjoy the
Pork-Chop: I'm too tired & it's too late to do a bazillion stories to catch up with my #MNYarnShopHop adventures tonight, so these are all going right into a post instead! We visited four shops tonight, with a snack at @sweetscienceicecream & dinner and drinks at @
Pork-Chop: The Siberian squill are blooming in southeast South Dakota.
Pork-Chop: Somewhere around here is when I got emotional about how beautiful Ireland is. So much green that I was overwhelmed. I want to go back for more! But for now settling with just having a corned beef and cabbage dinner to celebrate St. Patrick's Day. ☘️
Pork-Chop: I found this aged, scratched, and almost ineffective mirror too good to pass up for a blurry selfie. And today I feel like sharing it: the first day of #MSAwarenessWeek. I could just go about my day quietly today, mostly because I'm finding it difficult
Pork-Chop: Feet across Portland (and a little bit beyond)
Pork-Chop: May the road rise up to meet you. May the wind be always at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face; the rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again, may God hold you in the palm of His hand. Love you, mom.
Pork-Chop: I'm unfortunately starting 2024 feeling like I still haven't processed all of 2023, but that's life these days. If 2023 taught me anything: I must give my body and mind some grace. So: I'll make it to this year mentally at some point. Please bear with me.
Pork-Chop: She's my favorite girl
Pork-Chop: That time* I met Cinderella and didn't brag about it nearly enough. (*8 days ago) Also: Captain America wished me** a happy birthday! (**and my husband, whose birthday is 5 days before mine)
Pork-Chop: Today my Love Note for Ireland made its debut! I finished knitting this a while ago, but I wasn't sure if I was truly done. After mulling over the options of continuing to work on it or realizing that I was being insane, I decided to wash and block it. An
Pork-Chop: A whirlwind of a 36 hour trip: 5 awesome friends, more than 600 miles, 3 new-to-me yarn stores, $[redacted] worth of beautiful yarn, and countless precious new memories. I am exhausted in the best way and I'd do it all again in a heartbeat.
Pork-Chop: A whirlwind of a 36 hour trip: 6 awesome friends, more than 600 miles, 3 new-to-me yarn stores, $[redacted] worth of beautiful yarn, and countless precious new memories. I am exhausted in the best way and I'd do it all again in a heartbeat.
Pork-Chop: Giving in to the autumnal lure of cast-on-itis... #SweaterWeather, baby!! (even though MN has had record heat the past few days...)
Pork-Chop: I've been in National Harbor, MD (just across the Potomac from Washington DC) for the last few days for WordCamp US. I learned a lot but I also had some time to be a tourist. I honestly thought my days of solo travel might be over after the difficulties o
Pork-Chop: Jason and I just released Number 4 II and I was lucky enough to share a little moment before he flitted off to a neighbor's tree. Again this year we've raised and released 3 boys and a girl; two hatched and were released while I was away from home. We h
Pork-Chop: Did you even MN Lake if you didn't commune with a loon? credit to @katekrzyz
Pork-Chop: At the risk of being pooped on by angry barn swallows: let the weekend lakeside yarn retreat properly commence! #PlacesYouCanKnit #ThisIsMyHappyPlace Pattern is Love Note from @tincanknits in yarn purchased while in Ireland directly from @hedgehogfibres
Pork-Chop: I finished my #KalCardigan! ... for now. I don't have quite enough mohair for the pockets which I'd definitely like to add and I have to find the right buttons still. But it's wearable and cozy as is! I look forward to making this a wardrobe staple in th
Pork-Chop: I dug up this 11 year old photo of me and a patient blue morpho butterfly to share some vulnerable news: Ive been living with MS for about a year. I had my one-year check in with my neurologist today and I asked to see my latest MRI scans. I finally got t
Pork-Chop: My local neighborhood watch I mean Blue Jay finally visited the #BirdBuddy! Good to have ya fren.
Pork-Chop: In spite of my neighborhood bunnies' best attempts (and some newly purchased fences) the lovelies have arrived. I really missed having hollyhocks last summer and so glad they returned this year!
Pork-Chop: I'm reliving Ireland again this morning as I knit furiously on my current nearly finished cardigan WIP. I am so ready for the next project I've queued up with yarn I bought directly from Hedgehog Fibres HQ in Cork! My second special knit made just for
Pork-Chop: Ireland was a dream. Years in the making, but actually 3 years of making plans. I can't believe it only ended 2 weeks ago; I'm ready to go again. We saw so much; we didn't see nearly enough. I actually got emotional in County Wicklow: so incredibly beauti
Pork-Chop: Maybe BeReal is silly, but I do really enjoy the photo grid of momentary memories. May features the Kal Cardigan I'm knitting and my first trip to Ireland! Both things I've intended to share here as well... but I'm tired and easily distracted, folks.
Pork-Chop: I'm loving how this combo is working up - a lovely, golden cardi is in my future! #KalKAL Pattern is #KalCardigan by @perfectlyknotted Yarn is Wooly by @explorerknits and Twig (mohair) from @rowanyarns
Pork-Chop: Love you, grampa. Please give gramma a big hug for me! 💔❤️ Until we meet again...
Pork-Chop: I've left pieces of my heart in many places all over the world, but a big piece will always be in Iowa.